Mazri Dragon Scales (Legendary)
Underbelly scales/scales on the body.
Mazri/Dragon trait.
Mazri Dragon Whiskers (Legendary)
Long, tufted dragon whiskers.
Mazri/dragon trait.
Mazri Dragon Mane (Legendary)
A lion-like mane that runs down the back.
Mazri/dragon trait.
Mazri Elongated Teeth and Claws (Legendary)
Longer teeth AND claws.
Mazri/Dragon trait.
Mazri Spikes (Legendary)
Spikes going down the length of the spine and tail. Sometimes seen elsewhere on the body.
Mazri/dragon trait.
Mazri Ear Frills (Legendary)
Dragon frills at the base of the ear.
Mazri/dragon trait.
Amiyn Unicorn Horn (Legendary)
A single unicorn horn, can be pronged.
Amiyn/unicorn trait.
Amiyn Tufted Unicorn Tail (Legendary)
A long tufted lion-like tail.
Amiyn/unicorn trait.
Amiyn Glowing Whiskers (Legendary)
Whiskers that glow on the tips.
Amiyn/unicorn trait.
Amiyn Glowing Light Motes (Legendary)
Motes of light that float around your character and glow softly.
Amiyn/unicorn trait.
Amiyn Tufted Wrists and Ankles (Legendary)
Long silky fur that trails off of your characters wrists/ankles.
Amiyn/unicorn trait.
Stonespeaker (Legendary)
Bonded with an earth elemental.
Elemental trait.
Boltstriker (Legendary)
Bonded with a lightning elemental.
Elemental trait.
Marine Tail/Lower Half (Legendary)
Can be any fish or marine animal, including invertebrates.
Seatouched trait.
The shape of the tail determines the seatouched form's look!