Map of Andras

Created: 14 November 2023, 10:04:10 PST
Last updated: 22 November 2023, 16:54:09 PST

Andras World Map


Woolyne have spread across Andras, creating many small towns and cities in their wake. Below are some of the most influential cities of Andras.


More of an outpost than a city, the trading town of Lornesse is located in the far north of Andras. Its buildings are mostly turf houses and the town itself is rather spread out along the coastline, with the most building density occurring near the harbor. Lornesse is a trading town, making its living trading raw materials harvested from the wilderness  for books, weapons, cloth, magics, and other finer things. Many Woolyne who live here are knowledgeable with a boat, and often disappear for months alone into the wilds hunting for materials to sell during the summer trading months.
Any Woolyne who make their home here will likely have to face frigid weather and harsher conditions than cities like Aldlight or Seawynne, but will find warm and hospitable neighbors as well. 


​It is said that the Woolyne of Odysse were born to fly. Naturally at home in the floating peaks and broad aerial vistas, these Woolyne know the winds by heart, soaring through the skies on their Drakern mounts. Drakern racing is a favorite pastime of Odyssians, and a Woolyne could make themselves rich by betting on the right racer. 

Newcomers to Odysse will soon find themselves in need of a Drakern mount-parts of the city are only accessible by wing. It's commonplace to see young thrill-seeking Woolyne diving from the sides of the islands, only to be caught by their Drakerns and swooping back up into the air. Many popular adventurers have come from Odysse, something that the Woolyne here are quite proud of.



Nestled in a green mountain valley, quiet Orilon is at the crossroads of two major rivers of Andras. This city makes its living primarily by Nikyak breeding, and the culture there somewhat revolves around the beasts. Dotted along the mountainsides are the Nikyak herds, their herdsmen moving them along the hills during the day and bringing them back to Orilon for the night. 

Orilon, besides being known for Nikyaks, is also quite known for its liquor! They have a booming side business making liquor and distributing it throughout Andras-access to the river makes water barges just as popular as Nikyaks for trade. Its impressive mountain views match Aldlight for splendor and there are many crisscrossing trails leading up and down the peaks. ​



Uninhabited Ruins with a superstitious past.



The Shining City is a popular nickname for the cosmopolitan Unicorn Capital of Aldlight. Tucked deep within impressive mountain ranges, this city has the curious effect of actually seeming to glow. During the day the stone of the colonnades and buildings of Aldlight absorb the light of the sun, then emitting a gentle glow when night falls. No one quite knows why this happens-any answers have either been lost to the ages or are kept an ancient secret by the Unicorn Royals. Regardless, its given birth to many stories and interesting myths about Aldlight.

Aldlight is primarily a center for the upper or political classes of Woolyne; those who seek a more rugged quieter lifestyle would do better in places like Su-bahn or Orilon. The population is rather small in comparison to Solaris, but still remains bustling with daily markets and its renowned Winter Festival. 

(Temporary image, by Krenz)


The booming industrial city of Ur-bahn is famous for its many waterfalls cutting through the heart of the Dragon Capital. Hopeful inventors from around Andras make their home here, fostered by the city's public workshops and prominent Inventors guild which is supported directly by the Queen herself. 

Ur-bahn is a fast paced city-new and unusual trends constantly coming and going. Woolyne from Ur-bahn gain a reputation of being a bit eccentric as a result, and admirers in cosmopolitian cities such as Solaris and Seawynne try their best to keep up with the new fashions.  The Dragon Queen Asajj can usually be seen modeling a number of the latest fashions. With the mix of diverse styles, Ur-bahns Summer Festival is quite the sight to behold!



The wealthy southern city of Solaris is a constantly bustling port of traders, artisans, and visitors from around the world of Andras.  Solaris has a warm climate with mild winters, making it one of the busiest exporters in Andras of goods and services as well as a pleasant place to visit. Many Woolyne looking to start a new life are drawn to Solaris, attracted by its constant activity and diversity. While it may be overwhelming for the new visitor to this colorful city, the Woolyne who call this place home have a large array of jobs and activity to pick from. 

Solaris is a city of canals rather than roads, with the canals acting as streets and thoroughfares for the boat traffic that dominates the city. Woolyne often decorate their own personal boat in bright colors causing a rainbow of color on the canals. 


The Pleasure City of Seawynne is known for its picturesque seaside scenery, artistry, and active nightlife. Its tropical climate makes this a destination for Woolies wanting some relaxation and fun! Woolyne of Seawynne highly value the arts, populating the city with multiple theaters, public artworks, and collections of writings and poems-its large artistic community is filled with famous stars and hopefuls looking to make it big.

Seawynne makes its business from the tourist industry rather than exporting goods like Lornesse or Solaris. Most of its population are visitors, with only a small portion of Woolyne living there full time. Its reputation as a pleasure city is well known, yet under Seawynne's glittering exterior lies a den for pickpockets and thieves in its twisting streets. 


The Unicorn-founded city of Azmarin is home to the most prestigious Forgery school in Andras, known as Aerilon. Woolyne who live in this city are surrounded by Lyss, making even the air seem to sparkle with power. Azmarian scholars constantly seek to find new undiscovered areas of Lyss, researching ancient magic and testing limits. Azmarin has a close relationship with and often collaborates with Su-bahn in information exchange-while Azmarin has the largest collection of magical information, Su-bahn dominates the other fields. 

The Woolyne of Azmarin tend to be studious, taciturn, and reserved. With the prestige that comes from living at the greatest magical center on Andras, they are quick to oust troublemakers. Some who live here might find the city too restrictive and chafe under the attitude, while others appreciate the calm serenity of Azmarin.


The Dragon-founded city of Su-Bahn is a two sided city-it is a harbor for both treasure, bounty, and knowledge hunters. Su-Bahn boasts the largest library in Andras, drawing in Woolyne who are looking for specific texts, ancient history or other pieces of information only found in Su-bahn. The library's collections of texts from history to agriculture to medicine is the best in the world-and it is only second to Azmarin in its collection of books on magic. The desert surrounding the city offers many tantalizing tales of riches and mysteries, just waiting to be found under its dunes.

Its population of bounty, treasure, and knowledge seekers makes for one of the most unique communities in Andras. Su-Bahn is a rougher city than the likes of Aldlight or Seawynne,  but it offers much to be discovered if one just looks for it. 


In the middle of the great plains of Andras lies the town of Fenmoore. The Woolyne who live in the area are mostly farmers, bakers, and butchers, making Fenmoore the biggest producer of foodstuffs in Andras. They have a close relationship with Solaris-most of Fenmoore's exports are bought by Solarian merchants who then ship it across the continent. Woolynes in both cities often have family in the other.

Woolyne who live here are hard-working and hospitable, laboring from dawn to dusk. Fenmoore's harvest festivals are a sight to be seen, and it's famous for its bread and pastries. Despite its humble appearances, Fenmoore has produced quite a few figures of legend from its fields.


Corwyn is a charming seaside port with a rich nautical history. Any Woolyne wanting to become a master sailor or navigator can find the training they seek in Corwyn as Corwyn's history is steeped in nautical achievements. Many of the most prominent discoverers in Woolyne history gained their sea legs upon the boats of Corwyn before setting off to map the far reaches of Andras. 

Famed not only for sailing expertise, Corwyn is also naturally a major producer of boats, maps, and information. Corwyn sailors travel Andras's coast dealing in gossip from around the realm and offering their services for any who wish to travel and have the coin. Most of the realm's spies have their start in Corwyn.
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A city deep beneath the waves inhabited by Seatouched woolyne, not much is known about Lathule. They only recently began to contact the landward world again after rogue lyss was creating problems.
The woolyne of Lathule, as expected, have a great affinity for the water and ocean and can move as easily under the waves as any terrestrial woolyne can on land or aerial woolyne can in the sky.
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