Woolyne Anatomy

Created: 17 February 2023, 13:07:54 PST
Last updated: 17 February 2023, 16:05:54 PST


Table of Contents

  1. Anatomy
    1. General
    2. Chest Markings
    3. Magic and Color
    4. Head and Eyes
    5. Teeth
    6. Hooves




  • Bipedal and ranging from about 4 1/2 feet to 7 1/2 feet tall, Woolynes somewhat resemble felines, with an ungulate lower half. Their bodies mimic fawns and satyrs of mythology.
  • They tend to have a slight hourglass shape to their body.
  • Their body type can vary widely, with Woolynes being anywhere from slim, tall, short, or stout. However Woolyne are almost always flat-chested.
  • Despite looking like they are hooved, their feet actually resemble something more like a kangeroo or camel's foot! Only the tip of their toe ends in a miniature hoof with the rest of the foot padded and furred.
  • They have four fingers, ending in short retractable claws.


Chest markings

  • All Woolyne have a marking on their chest that varies in shape, size, and color depending on the Woolie-regardless of the Woolyne's rarity.
  • The chest markings are usually one color and are often hereditary! A group of Woolyne with the same marking are likely related, even if distantly.
  • The marking can be any shape and size but most are 1 solid shape, not multiple small shapes.


Magic and color

Woolynes have innate magic, and the color of their magic manifests itself visibly in their eyes and blood. Most Woolynes have eyes that are in the same color range as their magic, but sometimes a Woolyne will have multiple color hues in their eyes, meaning they have multicolored magic!
When a Woolie uses magic, their spells are manifested in the color(s) unique to the Woolyne.



Head and Eyes

Woolynes have a feline-esque head shape, with a semi-broad muzzle and distinct chin. Their noses are thin and are shaped like a chevron. On average, a Woolyne will have two horns of varying sizes and shapes. 

Their eyes are all colored, with no white showing. The whites of the eyes instead are usually a variation of the iris color. The whites of the eye can be a lighter version of the iris with a dark pupil, or instead be flipped with a darker white and a light pupil. Both are equally seen on Woolynes!




Woolynes are omnivorous, but with a preference towards meat and fish. The mouth is usually the same color as their eyes. Just like the eyes, a common Woolyne can have either white or black teeth, with no difference in rarity. Their bones will be the same color as their teeth!




Woolyne are two-toed, with both toes ending in a small hoof. However behind the hoof are actually small pawpads on the bottom of the feet!