
Highest Damage Medal

Awarded if your woolyne dealt the most damage in a particular storyline.

Biggest Participant Medal

Awarded if your woolyne participated the most in a particular storyline.

Mazri Champion Medal

Awarded if your woolyne won the Mazri Championship prompt.

Cherry Fairy Bouquet

A beautiful enchanted cherry blossom bouquet that attracts fairies and fairy-like creatures!

A gift from Mirabelle for participating in Dryad Merriment 2023



Dryad Merriment 2023

Arcanum Award

Category: Search for the Arcanum

Awarded if you participated in the Search for the Arcanum Event.

SftA Final Blow Medal

Category: Search for the Arcanum

Awarded if your woolyne did the final blow in the Search for the Arcanum storyline.

Containment Award

Category: The Rift

Awarded if your Woolyne participated in the Rift Event and worked to contain the Rift, Corrupted, or Swarm.

Corrupted Award

Category: The Rift

Awarded if your Woolyne participated in the Rift Event and became Corrupted.

Healer Award

Category: The Rift

Awarded if your Woolyne participated in the Rift Event and healed others of Corruption.

Pridecore's Wrath

Category: Andras for Pride

A reward for donating at least $1 for ARPG's for Pride 2024

10 results found.