Legendary and Lyss Traits

Created: 17 February 2023, 14:17:22 PST
Last updated: 21 February 2023, 13:52:54 PST


Following below are any Legendary traits a Woolie can possess. These traits usually occur after a god's interference, a strange magic, or some other mysterious reason! Any Woolyne possessing even one of these traits catches the eye of others, and are subjects of much curiosity from other Woolies. Sometimes there are instances that don't follow any of these traits! Also included in the Legendary status, but as their own class, are all Dragon and Unicorn Woolyne. These Woolies have proven their worth and undergone the trials and tribulations, and as a result have been chosen and blessed by one of the Two Gods in their image. Any Woolyne who has undergone this change is regarded highly in society, and often looked to for leadership and as a role model.

These traits are incredibly rare to appear in special-themed auctions, prizes, or a one on one basis.


Table of Contents

  1. Dragon and Unicorn Woolyne
    1. Mazri
    2. Amiyn
  2. Elemental Traits
    1. Seatouched
    2. Dryad
    3. Seraph
    4. Gembond
  3. Lyss Mutations


Dragon and Unicorn Woolyne

Both Woolynes and Faelidh are governed by the same two Gods, and thus both Dragon and Unicorn Woolynes are considered Legendary! These Woolies have come in direct contact with the Gods and have undergone some physical changes as a result of the gods blessing. 
A woolyne with 2-3 Mazri or Amiyn traits is considered a "halfling" 
Pure 50/50 splits Mazri/Amiyn woolyne are not found, they always lean one way or another


Mazri Woolyne


Mazri Woolynes, chosen by the Summer God Mazrim, gain the following physical attributes:
-Underbelly scales and/or scales on their body 
-A mane from their head down their back to the tip of the tail
-Whiskers (can be varying lengths)
​-Longer claws and teeth
-Forked tongue
-Slit pupils
-"Dragon" tail
-Spikes going down the back & tail (not on other parts of the body)
-There are often frills at the base of the ear

The Flame chest marking seen below is unique to Woolynes with Dragon heritage.


Amiyn Woolyne

Amiyn Woolynes, chosen by the Winter God Amirlyn, gain the following physical attributes:
-Unicorn horn (Can be smooth, pronged, twisted, etc)
-Tufted Unicorn tail
-Glowing whiskers
-Glowing motes of light surrounding them. 
-Tufted wrists and ankles

The ​Diamond chest marking seen below is unique to Woolynes with Unicorn heritage.



Elemental Traits

There are other traits that are hardly ever seen on Woolyne, usually as the result of a strange magic spell or an unusual mutation. Due to Woolyne being a magical species, some Woolies are born with unique appearances manifested from their innate magics!

Elemental traits are the result of a deep bond between a Woolyne and a spirit, causing elemental physical changes. These traits are not hereditary.
Some of these traits are gained by using a spell that causes physical changes, sometimes producing effects unique to the Woolyne. Spellborn traits effects can be hereditary and have a chance of being passed on to the next generation.
When a woolyne bonds with an elemental, the respective element will appear on their body. This can take the form of a hovering ball of flame, fur disappearing into clouds, or even limbs completely replaced by the respective element.
Windsinger: Bonded with an Air Spirit
Flamecaller: Bonded with a Fire Spirit
Stonespeaker: Bonded with an Earth Spirit
Waterwhisper: Bonded with a Water Spirit
Lightgazer: Bonded with a Light spirit
Boltstriker: Bonded with an Electric Spirit
Starweaver: Bonded with a Plasma/Space Spirit



Seatouched Woolyne will have the following traits:
-Marine lower half. Can be any fish or marine animal, including invertebrates. 
-Fins along the body
-Dorsal Fin
-Small ears
-Elongated whiskers
​-Webbed paws

Seatouched Woolyne possess an alternate form when on dry land for an extended period of time. Due to their high lyss concentration in their bodies they gain legs but will still retain their marine lower half in the form of their tail.



Dryad Woolyne are deeply in touch with nature, often controlling plants as if they are an extension of their bodies. They have the following traits:

-Antennae replacing horns
-Flower/plant growth on body
-Tail is completely replaced by plants, any hairstyles are often replaced by plants as well or have plants/flowers growing from the hair.



Seraph Woolyne are naturals in the sky! They've got incredibly high maneuverability in the air due to their wings! They have the following traits:

-2 Pairs of back wings
-Wing "Ears"
-Anklet Wings
-Feather tufts on body, often forming a Crest, or Tailfeathers
-Scaled bird-like arms


Gembond Woolyne have a part of their bodies literally made by crystals. This trait can appear on their bodies in crystal formations or can replace a limb or body part. (Such as eyes, arms, or horns)




Lyss Mutations

Sometimes, as the result of a curse, an accident, or deliberate intention, a Woolyne is transformed visibly by Lyss with unknown and wild results. Not much is known about why or how certain mutations happen, although research is being done to greater understand these transformations. What is known is that the Lyss mutations have no limit in how much of an effect they can have on a Woolyne-some mutations are minor, while others can be quite drastic indeed.
​Here are some known Lyss Mutations. Mutations can vary from what is shown below!

(Lyss mutations function as their own rarity and tend to be unique mutations. Nearly anything is possible!)