
Created: 17 February 2023, 11:42:21 PST
Last updated: 4 November 2024, 07:56:59 PST


 Faelidh are teeny little creatures that are responsible for the upkeep and care of worlds! There are two breeds-Artisans and Travelers. Artisans, the non winged ones, are responsible for creating anything that worlds may need, whether its dyes for changing leaves, a new winter fur coat for animals, crafting the morning dew, or creating snowflakes-they do it all! Travelers, the winged ones, are responsible for bringing the work that the Artisans have done and putting it into the specific world, as their wings enable them to cross through the veil from their world to others! 

Table of Contents

  1. Anatomy
    1. Breeds
    2. Traits
    3. Legendary Traits
  2. Society
    1. Basics
    2. The House and Home
    3. Jobs and Culture
    4. The Queen
    5. Caravans



The basic Faelidh anatomy is reminiscent of that of a Ferret, Stoat, or Weasel. They are low to the ground and have long bodies that allow for a lot of flexibility. Their tails are prehensile, and often serve as another hand or an anchor when a Faelidh needs the help.

Faelidh also have both front and back hand-paws, and will use all of them. An exceptionally devoted Artisan may even be found using all four at once! Both their back and front paws have flexible and dainty fingers that allow for a high level of detail and complexity in what they create.


The Faelidh species has two breeds-winged and non-winged. The non-winged Faelidh are called Artisans, while the winged Faelidh are called Travelers. Both Travelers and Artisans are equal in rarity, and the cooperation between the two breeds is what makes up Faelidh society.

All Faelidh have long bodies and short legs with 5 fingers on each paw. Their tails are also prehensile-which makes their work easier if they need an extra hand!

Faelidh range about 7-10 inches in length and only a few inches in height-excluding Queens. They are very nimble and agile climbers!


Artisan Faelidh

Artisan Faelidh do not possess wings and are responsible for crafting. They are almost exactly the same appearance-wise as Travelers, barring the wings.

Traveler Faelidh

Traveler Faelidh is the breed that possesses wings! They are responsible for delivering the work that their Artisan partner creates.


Queen Faelidh are rare, and serve as the head of the Caravan. These Faelidh possess 3 pairs of wings and a longer body than a normal Faelidh, and are also longer in their length in comparison. Queen Faelidh tend to be larger than the average Fae, and can be up to 2 feet in length and double the height of a normal Fae. 

Queens are granted with a special gift-instead of crafting natural elements for other worlds, they instead create new Faelidh for hopeful Faelidh parents, strengthening the caravan!
When Faelidh Queen travel to Andras, their size is that of a large dragons compared to Woolyne and are a sight to behold.


You can see common, uncommon, rare, super rare, and legendary traits in the encyclopedia. See WORLD >Encyclopedia >All Traits

Legendary Traits

Following below are any Legendary traits a Faelidh can possess. These traits usually occur after a god's interference, a strange magic, or some other mysterious reason! Any Faelidh possessing even one of these traits catches the eye of others, and are subjects of much curiosity from other Faes. Sometimes there'll be instances that don't follow any of these traits!

Also included in the Legendary status, but as their own class, are all Dragon and Unicorn Faelidh. These Faelidh have proven their worth and undergone the trials and tribulations in Eden, and as a result have been chosen and blessed by one of the Two Gods in their image. Any Fae who has undergone this change is regarded highly in society, and often looked to for leadership and as a role model. 

These traits are incredibly rare to appear in special-themed auctions, prizes, or a one on one basis.


Dragon and Unicorn Faelidh

Any Faelidh blessed by a God into a Dragon or Unicorn Faelidh undergoes a change in their body structure. 

Dragon Faelidh, chosen by the Summer God, have a longer body and are given a set of horns, slit pupils, whiskers, a full-body mane, and scales to complete the effect.
- Their magic tends to be stronger and Earth and Fire based. Dragon Faelidh tend to be mostly Travelers, but it is not unusual to see an Artisan Dragon in the midst. 

Unicorn Faelidh, chosen by the Winter God, develop a stouter body, but a longer tail. They gain a silky mane and a noticeable lion-tuft on their tail, along with growing a small beard, gaining shorter ears, and a single long shining horn. These Faelidh often shed small motes of light that glitter in the air.
- Unicorn Faelidh's magic is Wind and Water based, and they tend to be mostly Artisans, although it is not unusual to see a Traveler Unicorn in their midst.





The Basics

  • A group of Faelidh is called a 'caravan'. A decently sized caravan can contain anywhere from 20-50 members, although outliers in either direction have been known to happen.
  • At the top of a caravan reigns a Queen-much like a beehive! She is responsible for ensuring that the work goes smoothly within the community and no problems arise. She is also responsible for the creation of new Faelidh, as all Faelidh are asexual and are born from flower blossoms. 
  • Faelidh commonly range in size from 6 to 12 inches in length. 
  • Omnivores, diet however mostly consisting of vegetarian foods such as nuts, seeds, fruit+vegetables and plant life. Faelidh wont turn their noses up at fish and meat though!

The House and Home

  • Caravans make their homes either in treetops, underground burrows-or if one is particularly established, inside a tree. Sometimes if a caravan is old enough, a treetop and burrow nest will have combined using the tree trunk as a link. Treetop communities are made up of woven grass and branch nests.
  • Faelidh are fond of decorating, so each Faelidh's room is usually personified to the individual through decor. There is never such a thing as a drab Faelidh nest!
  • Separated from the living areas are the working quarters-where Artisan Faelidh work on their specific job. Each caravan is solely dedicated to one task (for example, creating the petals for flowers+ putting them on the stem) although if a caravan is large and old enough, there can be different jobs within. (So a caravan could be responsible both for flower petals and winter frost, perhaps)

Jobs and Culture

  • Faelidhs often work in pairs of one Artisan and one Traveller, with the Artisan crafting the needed item and the Traveller putting it into the world. These relationships are work focused, but often lead to friendships and relationships!
  • Within the community there are also different roles, those dedicated to holding up the caravan. These jobs range from healers, gatherers, nest makers, food preparers, and so on. 
  • A small quirk about Faelidh is that they always have wrappings around their tails! It is believed to be indecent to go out with a bare tail and any Faelidh who does will gather stares and gossip. 
  • Both Artisan and Traveller Faelidh are equal in rarity. 
  • Each caravan identifies themselves with a color and a symbol that differs from caravan to caravan. This symbol is often displayed on hanging cloth around the nests, such as on tree branches or underground walls or on clothing.
  • Faelidh are highly cooperative and peaceful within their caravan. If there is a troublesome Faelidh they will first try and help the Faelidh fit in, but if they continue to cause problems the problem Faelidh will be exiled from the Caravan in attempts to keep the peace.

  • However, while Faelidh are peaceful within their caravan, some caravans have developed rivalries with other caravans. This can range from mild competition to outright sabotage in some cases, although there are very rarely battles between caravans.

The Queen

  • There is only ever one Queen at a time in a Caravan. If a new Queen is born while the present is still healthy, the new Queen will split off and form a new caravan of Faelidh when she is grown.
  • Queens can be born from any Faelidh pairing. It is said that when a Queen is born they have been chosen for their role by the two Faelidh gods.
  • Queens possess a special magic and 3 pairs of wings, they are the only ones that can create new Faelidh. Hopeful Faelidh parents must consult the Queen if they wish to have a child. If the Queen deems them fit enough to raise a child, she will craft a small seedling for the parents to plant in Lumina Fields. This seedling will eventually blossom and reveal the child Faelidh if taken care of properly.
  •  Aside from the extra pair of wings, their body type is different from a normal Faelidh. Their bodies are elongated, much like an Eastern Dragon.