
Slit Pupils (Legendary)

Slit dragon pupils

Mazri/dragon trait

Gembond (Legendary)

Part of their bodies literally made by crystals. This trait can appear on their bodies in crystal formations or can replace a limb or body part. (Such as eyes, arms, or horns)

Gembond trait.

Small Otter Ears (Legendary)

Small, rounded otter ears.

Seatouched trait.

Feather Crests and Tailfeathers (Legendary)

Feathers on the body, can form a head crest or tail feathers.

Seraph trait.

Anklet Wings (Legendary)

Tiny wings on the ankles.

Seraph trait.

Bird Arms (Legendary)

Scaly bird arms.

Seraph trait.

Gemsworn (Legendary)

Gems have consumed your andrasian's body and turned them semi-immortal. They now have a heart of lyss and can regenerate gems if they're damaged.
They can pull gem-weapons out of their body and turn stone into geodes and gems. Gemsworm can turn wherever they walk into gems as well.

Gemsworn are semi-immortal; immune to sickness and can easily recover from injury.
They typically live twice as long as normal andrasians! (200-240 years).

Dryad Treebond (Legendary)

Your andrasian has tree branches growing from their body and they are able to shapeshift into trees.

Dryad Spiritbond (Legendary)

Your andrasian has a spirit faerie/bug-like companion that follows them wherever they go. Its bonded to them forever, even in the afterlife.

Seraph Winged Tail (Legendary)

Your andrasian has a long, skinny tail with up to 3 pairs of wings on the end of it.

*This trait is currently unreleased and not able to be used.

Wing Ears (Legendary)

Feather-winged ears.

Seraph trait.

Double Back Wings (Legendary)

Species: Woolyne

A set of two wings on the back. (Woolyne only.)

Seraph trait.


Floral Tail/Hair (Legendary)

Plants/flowers replace the tail and/or hair/mane.

Dryad trait.

Floral Plant Growth (Legendary)

Any sort of plantlife growing in on the body. Can be flowers!

Dryad trait.

Dryad Antennae (Legendary)

Species: Woolyne

These insect antennae replace the horns. (Woolyne only.)

Dryad trait.

Webbed Paws (Legendary)

Thick, webbed paws.

Seatouched trait.

Elongated Whiskers (Legendary)

Long, thin whiskers.

Seatouched trait.

Mazri Dragon Scales

Mazri Dragon Scales (Legendary)

Underbelly scales/scales on the body.

Mazri/Dragon trait.

Dorsal Fin (Legendary)

A large dorsal fin on the back.

Seatouched trait.

Body Fins (Legendary)

Can have fins anywhere along the body.

Seatouched trait.

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