
Plushie Body (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Body becomes plush, can be parts or the entire body.

Minor Lyss Mutation (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

A Minor Lyss Mutation only affects a small part of the characters body

Wereform (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

This lyss mutation causes your woolyne and Faelidh to gain an alt form caused by a burst of lyss. These changes can happen under different conditions (up to the player to decide). This trait is different from shifters since it does not require a shifter stone and can add or change the characters form. 

Examples examples wip

Elemental Takeover (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Your andrasian's elemental overpowers them and takes over parts of their body.

Color-Shifting (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Allows your andrasian to shift colours!

Extra Wings on Other Body Parts (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Gives your andrasian wings on other body parts! (Tail, arms, head, etc).

Major Lyss Mutation (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

This trait is for all Major Lyss mutations that are unique or don't already have a category!
Please describe the specific mutation in the trait description when applying this. 

Horns and Hooves of Unusual Materials (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Your characters horns and hooves (if they have any) are made out of an unusual material, like wood or glass!

Creature Half-form Aspect (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Half of your characters body looks like an alternate creature.

Living Creature Aspect (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Woolyne or Faelidh with this trait have another sentient mind sharing their body. This could be located on a limb, hair, etcetera.
Examples: Snake hair, Snake tail

Creature Tail (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Gives your andrasian a tail from an alternate creature!

Extra Heads (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Allows your character to have multiple heads!

Smoking Eye (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

An eye that leaks a trail of smoke, mist, or visible lyss.

Textured Body (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

A body or part of a body with an unusual texture, such as wood.

Permanent Shifter (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations
Species: Woolyne

A woolyne permanently trapped in its shifted form

Hairless (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Portions or the entire body looks hairless like a sphynx cat.

Visible Lyss Breath (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Visible lyss/magical breath. Can manifest as smoke, fire, mist, etcetera.

Retractable Wings (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Wings are able to magically disappear into the body.

Extra Scales (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Extra scales on different parts of the body.

Wing Arms (Lyss Mutation)

Category: Lyss Mutations

Wings replace the arms.

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