Common Horns (Common)
Common horns do not have any prongs! (no antler type horns)
Two horns on the head.
Horns are one color.
The horns can be straight or have basic curves.
Shapes and Sizes can vary!
Uncommon Horns (Uncommon)
Uncommon Woolyne horns are longer than common ones, and can have more complex spirals or another prong.
Uncommon antlers will have no more than 2 prongs and tend to be about the size of the examples below.
Horns are 1 colour.
Elaborate twisted/curved horns fit into this category, no matter the size.
Rare Horns (Rare)
Extremely long horns are rare.
Horns with 3+ colors are Rare, no matter the size.
Multi-pronged horns (3+ prongs) fit into this category, no matter the size.
Multiple pairs of horns fit into this category, no matter the size.
Merged (connected) horns are rare, no matter the size.
Horns growing from oddly placed spots (down the center of head/two on one side/etc), are rare no matter the size. *
*Note, horns must still be growing from the head rather than from elsewhere on the body like arms/back/etc
Two-Colored Horns (Uncommon)
Horns are two colours, typically seen as a two different colour gradient it can also be single solid colour horns with a single colour marking.
Tri-Colored Horns (Rare)
Tri-coloured horns are typically seen as a three colour gradient, it can also be horns with two colour markings.