Prompt Categories


These prompts contain the current storyline!

Event Prompts

Limited-time-entry prompts!

Exploration Prompts

The world of Andras is home to many diverse landscapes and secrets to be uncovered! Draw your Woolyne traveling the world with another Woolie, their Mount, or both! What adventures do they have? Who do they meet on their travels? What sort of adventures do they have?

The World of Andras

This is essentially an eternally open 'free prompt' where you draw your Woolyne traveling through Andras-whether they be adventuring alone in the wilderness, rubbing elbows with royalty, or perhaps eating a warm meal at an inn. The sky is the limit! (Just follow the rules)


-Must show at least 75% of the body, and be fully shaded+a full background. Must also contain at least a descriptive paragraph of what your Woolyne is doing!
-Literature entries must be 750 words (ROLEPLAY is ok!**)

-Exploration entries will give you a chance of finding rare items and creatures!


Collab Explorations such as Roleplays will ONLY be rolled for Shards and EXP to make it fair to both people in the collab! (EG: So we can avoid situations like one person rolling an elemental while the other person only rolls 5 exp)

So get out there and go explore!

Spring Prompts

These prompts are active from March to May

Summer Prompts

These prompts are active from June to August

Fall Prompts

These prompts are active from September to November.

Winter Prompts

These prompts are active from December to February 

Mini Prompts

Mini prompt ideas to help flesh out your characters.

Warrior Training

The Warrior class passes up magics and uses weapons exclusively, with minor magic being used as an amplifier to the Woolyne's weapon of choice.They are a physical class and don't use magic as a weapon like the Forgers do, or shape change like the Shifters. Warriors favor technical skill and a wide range of combat skill to outmaneuver their opponent. As a result they are the most diverse class! Weapons range from swords, spears, bows, hammers-whatever the Woolyne's preference is!

Some skilled Warrior Woolyne will use an enchanted weapon-perhaps a spear that electrifies enemies or a sword that creates a strong gust of wind. These weapons take some time to master and aren't for beginners!

Forger Training

The Forger class uses magic as an offensive or defensive force exclusively. This power is known as Lyss, the name of a Woolynes inner magic. There are some cases where a weapon has been used to amplify magic (such as a decorative sword to be used to direct magical attacks), but on the whole Woolyne Forgers use magic without any additions. Forgery is performed by learning spells and casting them verbally with a directed movement from the body or a tool (ex: wand, sword, staff etc). Forgers are quite versatile and can be both long range and short range battlers.

Woolynes have innate magic, but only with proper training can it be brought out. The color of a Woolynes magic will be the same color as their eyes! Woolyne with multi-hued eyes have a stronger magic potential, with complete rainbow or faceted 'gem' eyes being the strongest!

Shifter Training

The Shifter class is a physical class like the Warriors, but instead of using weapons like a sword or bow, these Woolynes shape change into a different form with the use of a Shifting Stone. These stones can be purchased or passed down as a family treasure and can vary in appearance, but it takes more than owning one to Shift. Only with  practice and training can a Woolyne assume their shifted form and control it properly.

The battle form assumed by the Shifter class is stronger than the Woolyne's normal form and is usually much larger. The Woolynes hands become claws, their eyes become a solid color, and their horns grow larger. Shifters tend to rely on brute force to secure victory rather than any technical or magical skill. Infact, this form is incapable of using magic attacks unless the Woolyne is bonded with an Elemental Spirit, in which case the Woolyne can only use attacks of that element. Alternatively, both Dragon and Unicorn Woolyne can use magical attacks when shifted-Shifted Dragon Woolyne gain fire breath while Shifted Unicorn Woolyne gain a freezing ice breath.  

Shifter stones.

Taming Prompts

Prompts required to tame mounts, some mounts require more taming than others.

Kiritsune Training Prompts

Prompts that involve training your kiritsune!



Legacy Storyline Prompts

These were past prompts of already completed storylines. These are available for players to play even though these Arcs are completed.

17 results found.