Wool-677: Mable
Mabel and Dipper don't remember much of their earliest years, their first memory of standing near a wrecked wagon before wandering deeper into the woods with Dipper. They were eventually found by their adoptive mother, Anthia, where they lived in relative seclusion and safety for many years. As they reached adulthood Anthia began to wander off- taking longer and longer trips from their shared home until one day she never came back. Mabel desperately wants to go out into the world- she wants to explore all that it has to offer, search for her missing adoptive mother, and perhaps one day find out why she and Dipper were along in the woods in the first place. Dipper has been butting heads over her growing ambitions and deep down Mable knows that if she truly wants to spread her wings she may need to do so... alone...
Mabel is bright, creative, optimistic, daring, and naive- she is one of those rare souls that genuinely believes that if she tries hard enough that everything will work out. Whenever confronted with something new- Mabel is the first to give things a try and is filled with boundless curiosity. However, her time in the woods has left her a bit socially awkward and can be easily taken advantage of, so while every new experience if fun and exciting there are unfortunately hard lessons that will have to be learned along the way.
- Currently Single
- Open to both male and female woolyne.
- Either needs someone who can handle her unusually bright demeanor (but has the experience to balance it) or someone who is very patient and nurturing.
- Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to Mabel, her and Dipper's parents are deceased. Their lives were lost in the tragic accident that makes up most of the few early memories the twins are able to recall.
- Anthia - Adoptive mother, she is a very ethereal and dreamy figure who took good care of her and dipper. She knows that their caretaker wasn't... always quite right- sometimes appearing to see things that weren't always there. Mabel feels she owes it to this dear woolyne to find her though and make sure she finds her.
- Fielle [ Sister ] - Neither twin is aware of their elder sister's existence, even though she has never once stopped looking for them. Perhaps with Mabel possibly setting out on her own to travel across Andras their paths will cross...
- Dipper [ Brother ] - Mabel's twin brother. She loves him dearly and knows that his heart is in the right place, but often thinks he would enjoy his life a little more if he wasn't always stressed out and worrying every second of the day.
- NA
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