Submission (#975) Approved

23 November 2024, 16:49:36 PST (3 months ago)
27 November 2024, 11:48:00 PST (3 months ago) by DrakElias
+4 shards (prompt)
+4 shards (446 words)
+3 shards (tamed mount)

+2 eth shards (prompt)
+5 eth shards (double master ribbon)

: +12 shards, +7 eth shards


Well, this was definitely not on Alorus' Bingo card, that was for sure. The white woolyne wasn't sure what he'd been expecting when he'd initially set out to find and explore the ruins, but this was not it, "Woa there!" he pulled Corbin, his trusted Drakern back when it squawked in alarm, "Don't worry, boy, I see it too..." he was thankful for the training he'd received, given that now, he was no longer afraid to push forward, where once upon a time, he would have likely pulled back and gone to find help. He could do this.

The trail of feathers they had been following morphed in front of them into a terrible looking state of goo, or rather, sludge, with some feathers sticking out of it. Rather than brave the actual sludge, Alorus grabbed his steed's reins and walked him around the side, following it in a parallel manner as he squinted back ahead of them, "Try not to step on it, Corbin, we don't know what effect it could have. Maybe it's detrimental to our health, and I don't really have anything to treat illness with here on me."

The drakern snorted at him, a strange sound, given the creature had a beak, but they both advance slowly and carefully for what seems like ages. Just when Alorus had begun to give up, pondering perhaps heading back to find someone that could help him push onward, a strange castle could be seen up ahead.

It was, perhaps, a stretch to call the building a castle. More of a set of ruins with a vaguely castle like shape, really.

The sludge he'd been avoiding was no longer avoidable, really, and the woolyne dipped one hoof in it in wonder, to check how it felt. It took him a while to decide to move inward, his Drakern following close behind.

"Do you feel it too?" he looked at his steed, who had fluffed himself fully out, feathers acting as an insulator, and swiftly decided that yes, he felt it too; the cold was biting, to a point Alorus could barely stand it, but he pushed onward still, checking hallways and pathways until he spotted a door up ahead.

The claw marks he can spot on the ground, and the slow, chittering sound were not exactly comforting, but still onward he went. It would just not do, to return to the court of the winter queen and tell her that no, ma'am, he'd chickened out at the end, and had no idea where he'd been lead.

He could keep himself safe.

Making a decision, he pushed open the door and gaped open at the horror beyond.
Reward Amount
Shards 12
Ethereal Shards 7
Thumbnail for Wool-255: Alorus

Wool-255: Alorus

No rewards set.