Submission (#905) Approved
28 September 2024, 14:02:47 PDT (5 months ago)
28 September 2024, 16:15:43 PDT (5 months ago) by DrakElias
+5 shards (prompt)
+4 shards (419words)
: +9 shards
Tripling the amount of exp earned by adding 2 Gold Flowers.
After his previous run in with the bandit clan, Alorus had not thought he'd encounter them again, to be fair. He hadn't thought they would come after him again, but apparently... someone had caught wind of his presence there, and he figured someone in the clan had recognized him as a previous mark that had gotten away. To be fair, he never would have escaped the thieves clutches, had it not been for Lyonell turning his back on them on the spot, but at the moment, Alorus was alone, and had not the benefit of friends nearby.
Alorus was, to be fair to them, a fairly small woolyne, and they'd outnumbered him three to one in a dark alley in Seawynne. They had no way to know that since the time they had once managed to capture him, he had grown much stronger, and didn't feel particularly threatened at that moment in time.
The Wool that was clearly in charge had stepped up, pointing his enchanted sword, with nary a word to say on the matter. The movement, however, was clearly more than enough for his two colleges, because both of them jumped into the fray immediately.
Thankfully, Alorus had been expecting the charge, and in the small confinement of the alley, was able to use the void lyss he'd started to grown more accustomed to, to phase himself out of reach from both his attackers, using his shifter stone while he was at it. He figured shifted, he'd even the odds out a bit more.
No sooner had he teleported over, that Silver's sword lowered slightly and the white wool blinked, clearly taken back by the move. He recognized the lyss, and the move for what it was; void, like that of his shifting sword. That, coupled with the fact the Amiyn wool had shifted made this opportunity he'd spotted from the rafters... much less of an opportunity and more of a nuisance, "Hmmm," the rumble in his throat was that of mild annoyance, as he lifted a hand in the air, and swiftly signaled both his colleges to retreat; he had not been paid to do this job, and what he'd thought would be an easy mark, had turned out not to be one.
It was very clearly not worth it. As such, he jumped up on a ladder, and back onto the rafters, making a swift retreat. It wasn't often he miscalculated a mark's ease, but he'd not lived so long without swiftly rectifying such errors.
+4 shards (419words)
: +9 shards
Tripling the amount of exp earned by adding 2 Gold Flowers.
After his previous run in with the bandit clan, Alorus had not thought he'd encounter them again, to be fair. He hadn't thought they would come after him again, but apparently... someone had caught wind of his presence there, and he figured someone in the clan had recognized him as a previous mark that had gotten away. To be fair, he never would have escaped the thieves clutches, had it not been for Lyonell turning his back on them on the spot, but at the moment, Alorus was alone, and had not the benefit of friends nearby.
Alorus was, to be fair to them, a fairly small woolyne, and they'd outnumbered him three to one in a dark alley in Seawynne. They had no way to know that since the time they had once managed to capture him, he had grown much stronger, and didn't feel particularly threatened at that moment in time.
The Wool that was clearly in charge had stepped up, pointing his enchanted sword, with nary a word to say on the matter. The movement, however, was clearly more than enough for his two colleges, because both of them jumped into the fray immediately.
Thankfully, Alorus had been expecting the charge, and in the small confinement of the alley, was able to use the void lyss he'd started to grown more accustomed to, to phase himself out of reach from both his attackers, using his shifter stone while he was at it. He figured shifted, he'd even the odds out a bit more.
No sooner had he teleported over, that Silver's sword lowered slightly and the white wool blinked, clearly taken back by the move. He recognized the lyss, and the move for what it was; void, like that of his shifting sword. That, coupled with the fact the Amiyn wool had shifted made this opportunity he'd spotted from the rafters... much less of an opportunity and more of a nuisance, "Hmmm," the rumble in his throat was that of mild annoyance, as he lifted a hand in the air, and swiftly signaled both his colleges to retreat; he had not been paid to do this job, and what he'd thought would be an easy mark, had turned out not to be one.
It was very clearly not worth it. As such, he jumped up on a ladder, and back onto the rafters, making a swift retreat. It wasn't often he miscalculated a mark's ease, but he'd not lived so long without swiftly rectifying such errors.
Reward | Amount |
Shards | 9 |
Wool-255: Alorus
Reward | Amount |
Forger Exp (Currencies) | 90 |
These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.
Item | Source | Notes | Quantity |
![]() | Claimed from April Advent day 29 by Daffupanda. | Advent Calendar Bonus Prize | 1 |
![]() | Claimed from April Advent day 29 by TheBlackCatsTale. | Advent Calendar Bonus Prize | 1 |