Submission (#903) Approved

28 September 2024, 11:29:37 PDT (4 months ago)
28 September 2024, 16:12:34 PDT (4 months ago) by DrakElias
Alorus discovers he can teleport through void lyss.

+5 shards (prompt)
+4 shards (408 words)

: +9 shards

Having researched for long enough Alorus had found himself, if not wiser for it, stronger somehow. He was unaware when exactly he'd crossed the threshold, per se, it could have been at any point between the many books, and the grueling practice he'd put himself through, but it was clear he could not quite figure out the exact moment. Still, his affinity for the void was obvious to him, and while he'd struggled with it, he'd at least started to accept the fact.

Given the progress he'd made, he'd decided to go visit Remiel, in hopes he could at least put the knowledge to good use, and though the doctor had been skeptical of the other wool, for mostly misanthropic reasons, Alorus was sure, he'd decided to accept the help. It wasn't like he couldn't use the extra hands anyways, and how much trouble could one other, single wool get up to in his clinic? It wasn't like there were emergencies there often, or... mostly ever, really. It was a small, quiet town and most wool were rather careful as it was.

"Try, try, please, to touch as little as you can, unless I specifically tell you to," the bee colored wool, huffed as he arranged some papers in the lull between sick wool, "I understand there's a bit of chaos here, but it should still be orderly enough for me to find things."

"I... came here to put the magic to use though, is there really nothing I can do for you, specifically? No fires that need starting, no things that need moving, etc?" Alorus ringed his hands as he watched the doctor flit from one place to the other, the use of his wings making it easy for the small wool to move from one place to the other in the small room.

"No, I- OH!" just as he'd said that, a glass jar slipped his overstocked arms and started to tumble down, it's crash on the floor inminente.

Without even thinking about, Alorus had moved faster than woolyne eye could see. Lyss, no doubt, used to allow for a small bout of teleportation, and managed to grab the jar firmly in his arms, "No, huh?"

Remiel had frowned, having witnessed the near perfect use of void magic, but kept his mouth shut for a few seconds, "I stand corrected - make sure I don't drop anything, please. These are all valuable specimens in these jars."
Reward Amount
Shards 9
Thumbnail for Wool-255: Alorus

Wool-255: Alorus

Reward Amount
Forger Exp (Currencies) 20
Thumbnail for Wool-877: Remiel

Wool-877: Remiel

No rewards set.