Submission (#869) Approved

3 August 2024, 09:28:29 PDT (6 months ago)
3 August 2024, 13:06:11 PDT (6 months ago) by DrakElias
+5 shards (prompt)
+4 shards (401 words)

: +9 shards

Alorus wasn't exactly sure what he'd been expecting after all the studying he'd done. He wasn't sure if he'd been perhaps expecting his Lyss to be water based, or maybe ice, like when he was in his shifted form. Perhaps he was expecting to be more attuned with Sol type magic, given the general coloring of his Lyss being golden, like his eyes, and yet, when he'd set himself to it, innately, he seemed to have a greater affinity for void magic.

He'd heard it was a rarer type of magic, and it was very often talked about in hushed tones, making him ponder perhaps dropping the whole thing altogether. Perhaps picking up a sword wouldn't be a bad idea all in all. Perhaps he'd have an easier time of it with that than with this.

However, he could not deny how good it felt to whisper his first spell and see the magic with his own eyes flow out and make... something happen out of nothing. This was not what he'd wanted but it was, undeniably what the gods had given him. He'd often known that things happened for a reason, and even if the reason was obscured at the start, it would eventually become obvious, he was sure of it.

The first time he'd made shadows shift around himself, even if it was just a minor waver, barely visible to the naked eye unless one had been looking for it, the claws of fear had sunk their tendrils into him.

What to do about this, anyways? The two paths were obvious. One where he forged ahead, no pun intended, and one where he gave up, like previous other times and other things he had done once upon a time. He didn't like the sound the later option; if left a distinctly sour taste in his mouth... he wanted to see where the first path would lead him.

Even if it was scary, and even if it was a place he hadn't expected, surely it would be fine. Surely there was a reason it was this type of forgery he had an affinity with, and besides... it was bad luck to look down on a gift one had. Not everyone could manipulate or awaken their lyss, and pushing that gift aside just because he hadn't won the raffle he wanted to was almost wasteful.

He would have to forge ahead.
Reward Amount
Shards 9
Thumbnail for Wool-255: Alorus

Wool-255: Alorus

Reward Amount
Forger Exp (Currencies) 10