Submission (#868) Approved

3 August 2024, 09:11:34 PDT (6 months ago)
3 August 2024, 13:05:47 PDT (6 months ago) by DrakElias
Having mastered Shifting, Alorus figured he should start looking at something else new to do, but he'd come across a bit of a wall trying to decide exactly he wanted to look into. A lot of soul searching had gone into the initial decision, and after a good amount of time he had decided against a weapon. Battle master was interesting for sure, but he already had weapons of choice in his claws and teeth while shifted.

Becoming a forger seemed like a much more interesting idea, given that he could possibly use the skills outside of battle and have them be useful in other ways outside of general defense. Each type of Lyss magic was interesting in its own way but he'd been told more than once that not everyone was suited for it... and even if they were, the element or elements they were inherently good at could, in fact, vary wildly from their own internal expectations.

As such, he decided against setting his mind on a certain element, and buckled down into studying instead. He figured this was no different than the studying and meditating he did when he was working on becoming a shifter, in a way. A preparation of sorts.

He had never really done training like this, learning from books, and he figured that this studying would, at the end of the day be good for him, heart and soul. Even if it turned out he was just not... very talented at the use of his Lyss, it would still be a good experience for someone like him. The attempt could do nothing but serve to help him internally.

He'd always been a generally, well, not lazy wool, but for sure, he'd prefer not doing much, and it was only in the past couple of years that he'd really put his mind to bettering himself, that he'd started to feel better with the world and his place in it.

The study of lyss was different from meditation, but this too would be eventually overcome, he was sure of it. As such, he'd sunk into books, and had told his best friend he'd have to postpone any sort of outing for a while. Aiko, who was more of a physical sort of wool had not quite understood his stubbornness but had left him to it, eager to see the results he'd bring to the table.
Reward Amount
Shards 9
Thumbnail for Wool-255: Alorus

Wool-255: Alorus

Reward Amount
Forger Exp (Currencies) 10