Submission (#79) Approved

13 November 2022, 15:27:45 PST (2 years ago)
14 November 2022, 03:16:18 PST (2 years ago) by Alley


Ollie sometimes likes to stop and sightsee while Nikiak herding. Once the herd of beasts is safely grazing on the verdand meadows on the outskirts of Orilon, he always makes a little time to just sit on top of a hill and admire the landscape of his surroundings. Sometimes - when his family's sharing the duties of watching of the Nikiak, he even takes the narrow paths that lead him upwards, towards the mountaintops - just so he can watch the open, green landscape.

Rewards Breakdown:
Base = 8 shards
(Not sure about this one) Complex Bg (flowers, tree, mountains, clouds) = 6 shards
14 shards

Again, I'm not sure if this is how I'm supposed to count the extra shards, so just correct me if I did it wrong!


Reward Amount
Drakern 1
Shards 14



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