Submission (#773) Approved

29 March 2024, 06:21:17 PDT (11 months ago)
29 March 2024, 12:38:48 PDT (11 months ago) by DrakElias
(Hope I got this right!)

1314 Words
Default Rewards-
5 Shards
10 Shifter EXP

Additional Rewards
1300 Words = 13 Shards
Featured character = 3 Shards
Small Companion = 1 Shard

Total 22 Shards

The Shifting Stone

“Do something with your life already!” Meilin’s words resonated in Carbery’s mind in stubborn echoes as the auburn wool strode through the night forest. He had taken a walk hoping to clear his mind, losing his thoughts among the whispers of the wind and distant calls of nocturnal denizens of the wood, but no amount of fresh air could blow away the fact that she had a point.

Step by laborious step, Carbery’s hooves crunched upon the snow lit gently by his distant cabin while bare branches swayed lazily above him in the blackened canopy. A distant howl broached the soft swishing chorus as he made his way towards Meilin’s cabin. The wool realized he would need to finish the difficult conversation as he ran his hand over his forehead while shaking it gently.

Trailing close behind him, Luca whimpered softly as he regarded his closest friend with a worried complexion. The Kiritsune pup had a knack for reading Carbery’s mood and had grown fond of him, following him loyally through blankets of snow. Occasionally he would turn and yip towards the bands of ferns bordering the trail and startle some small animal, much to Carbery’s amusement.

Carbery chuckled to himself and picked up his tiny friend, petting his head gently as Luca burbled happily before being set down once more to frolic in the snow.

“Ah, the light is still on. This is gonna be a tough one Luca, you dig?” Carbery mumbled, his eyes focused on the approaching cabin as the pair reached the trailhead. Meilin’s cabin was much like Carbery’s and the two had helped each other build them in solidarity, close enough to visit but far away enough for privacy.

Carbery raised his clawed hand with a sigh and brought it down to knock, stopping just shy of the wooden door before taking another breath and knocking twice as he closed his eyes and grimaced. The sound of hooves on wood striding amiably towards the door could be heard as Carbery tensed and squeezed his eyes before putting on his best smile.

The door opened as his tigerlike sister’s blue eyes regarded her visitor widely before narrowing at the sight of her brother. “Carbery.” She grunted. She was still angry it would seem. “Sis.” Carbery replied, trying to file the edge from his demeanor as best he could. “You gonna leave your big brother out in this cold?” He chimed, his sister rolling her eyes and stepping aside to allow him inside.

She was more excited to see Luca, who she happily greeted. Luca yipped and barked as she picked him up and cuddled him, the foxlike cub licking her face and swishing his long tail with kicking paws. Carbery used the distraction to squeeze by the gleeful pair in the doorframe and seat himself comfortably.

The cabin was warm and spacious, a fire crackled in the corner illuminating a wooden floor and upholstered chairs in an amber yellow glow.

Setting down Luca, she once more turned her attention to her brother who rested one hoof on his knee and eyed the ground in trepidation with lidded eyes.

“It’s awful late, Carbery. Come to tell me I was wrong and pick up where we left off? I haven’t forgotten how you spoke to me you know” She chided.

Carbery raised his glance to his sister and drew in a deep breath. “Nah you got it all wrong, Sis. I came to tell you you were right. I been so wrapped up in my own stuff I forgot that I needed to get off my butt sometimes” He said contritely.

He reached into his satchel and drew out the letter he had received after her departure and Meilin’s eyes widened in surprise. She had heard rumors of such letters turning up with her friends, many had ventured out in response. Carbery receiving one was not something she had really considered might happen given his reclusive nature.

Understanding it’s meaning, Meilin sighed and rolled her eyes from the letter on the table to her brother. “So I guess you’ll be heading out then huh? Well, you aren’t really much of a fighter, Carbery, but I have something you might help.

She turned away from him momentarily and pulled open a drawer in a nearby cabinet, taking out a small wooden box in her hands. The box was old and dusty, giving off a plume as Meilin blew on the gnarled top. Luca tilted his head as Meilin placed the box on Carbery’s knee. “Here. You should have this” she stated solemnly.

As his claw teased open the box, the hinges creaked open and Carbery gasped to see a round stone with a spiral white glinting in the firelight. A shifter stone sat before him, resting on blue velvet and shining with the reflection of Carbery’s awed expression.

“Sis, where did you get this?” Carbery said breathlessly, turning his wide eyes to Meilin who stood with folded arms and a wry smile. “It doesn’t matter” She grinned. “But it’s yours if you want it. It could get you out of trouble but I’m telling you to be careful with it! They say the first time is kind of a rush. You’d be better off finding someone to teach you how to use it, but if you’re going off on some quest for the queen and get into trouble you grab that sucker and protect yourself, you understand, lumpy?” Lectured Meilin.

Carbery’s jaw gaped wider as he reached out and took the stone, oblivious to Luca’s paws climbing the side of his knee and gazing into the shining surface of the stone with equal surprise. A sensation washed over Carbery as the stone seated itself in his open pawpad. A strange energy seemed to emanate over him as he stared into the spiral as his mouth drew into a smile.

He could swear he felt his teeth begin to grow as Meilin strode over with purpose and snatched it from him suddenly. “Not in my house, Carbery. Not for your first time” as she stuffed the shifter stone into his satchel, which hung loosely from a door handle adjacent.

“That thing is not to be taken lightly, Carbery. Careful means careful, okay?” Meilin spoke with concern, her voice softening as she knelt and took Carbery’s hand in her own. “I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I didn’t think you could handle it, but yeah, maybe look for a teacher or something. I’d show you but I’m no shifter either. Just a concerned sister who wants her lump of a brother to come back okay” She smiled warmly.

Carbery stared back slightly tearfully before rubbing his eyes and nodding slowly to his sibling. “Got it, I’ll be careful sis” he said confidently, placing his hands on his knees and pushing himself up before stepping over to collect his satchel. A playful Luca bouncing behind him.

“I’ll send a letter to Alorus, hopefully he can come meet you and show you how to use that thing properly, but you have a meeting to attend. Here, take this too.” Meilin’s voice trailed off as she vanished into the kitchen before reappearing and handing him a small basket of fresh baked bread. The smell wafted up and in to Carbery’s nostrils and he once more broke into a smile.

Hooking his arm into the basket he reached out and hugged his sister before he once more ventured out into the night. “You ain’t so bad, sis.” He chuckled. Meilin laughed while drawing her hugging arm up and bringing a thump onto his back. “You lump! Just come back in one piece!” She giggled.

She stood by the door as Carbery and Luca strode into the night and waved as the gloom of the night forest embraced them softly once more.

A new journey had truly begun.
Reward Amount
Shards 22
Thumbnail for Wool-764: Meilin

Wool-764: Meilin

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Wool-845: Carbery

Wool-845: Carbery

Reward Amount
Shifter Exp (Currencies) 10