Submission (#723) Approved

24 February 2024, 14:44:54 PST (11 months ago)
24 February 2024, 18:59:45 PST (11 months ago) by DrakElias
414 words.


Having swiftly decided that perhaps... the best course of action would be to just practice shifting outdoors, to avoid any sort of weird accident in the future, Alorus had put himself to good use. He'd heard Sparrow had a lack of meat for her flock, and having acquired a mount from that specific farm, he figured the best course of action was to help out while trying to keep himself under control.

There were still times he blacked out, but nothing as extreme as the day with the apple pie had happened. Specially because he had made sure to address a lot of that grief that had accumulated over time, and had tried to do so while not shifted. He figured he'd take things at baby steps, and hunting seemed to be a good way to deal with... whatever he was going through.

It was violence, but contained, in a way. Safe, he figured. He could deal with the outcome of it, specially since it was outdoors, and Sparrow hadn't really specified in the sort of state the meat she wanted had to arrive in. If he lost control, nothing more than the aesthetics of the piece of meat would be lost. A safety net of sorts in a way.

Thus he'd shifted and set off into the woods, using his sense of smell to track prey, and letting instinct guide him for the most part, while keeping himself in the front seat. Not that instinct tried to overwhelm him or anything, it was just sometimes so easy to slip into a sort of autopilot and let himself be guided; almost like slipping into a well worn glove.

He was proud that when he found prey, and stalked it through the foliage, he was still firmly in the driver's seat, and he managed to maintain the lead and the control, even as he leapt through the air and sunk claws and teeth into meat, even as he tasted blood, he did not feel at all overwhelmed.

A welcomed change from the past, and as he gave his prey a swift death, he began to pad out of the forest, dragging the animal with him. He figured he'd carry it as best he could while shifted, as close to the farm as he could, so as not to set off Sparrow's flock. With that, his duty would be done and could could maybe get a few more minutes of meditation down to end the day.
Reward Amount
Shards 9
Thumbnail for Wool-255: Alorus

Wool-255: Alorus

Reward Amount
Shifter Exp (Currencies) 20