Submission (#325) Approved

5 April 2023, 03:35:18 PDT (1 year ago)
5 April 2023, 03:37:00 PDT (1 year ago) by DrakElias
Descriptive Paragraph:
Green grass and rolling hills had never much interested Cosmo. Even though spring was coming in at full force, their gaze, as usual, was very much turned upward. They always had their head in the clouds, or stars, perhaps, would be more accurate. Sometimes, Cosmo wished they could dance among the stars, but alas, they were grounded, without even wings to be closer to the stars they desired to touch. Somehow, though, that didn't make them sad. In fact, as the shining stars reflected in their eyes, they smiled.


Fullbody Character: 4 Shards
Simple Background: 4 Shards

(Descriptive Paragraph not enough words for shard bonus)

Total: 8 Shards (before prompt base)
Reward Amount
Faecat Egg 1
Lizargo 1
Shards 16