Hobbies: Eryn

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Eryn carefully trimmed the dead leaves off  of her monstera with a pair of small silver shears. She spends most of her life looking after her plants. Ever since she was able to move, Eryn has been a green fingered woolyne. Her house was filled with plants from all over Andras, and her garden a wonderland for local wildlife. But today, this monstera was not happy. It had begun to wilt for no apparent reason, and now Eryn had to take up the role of plant nurse. Once she removed the stems that were too far gone to save, she put down the shears and picked up her grandmother's botanical book. In it was a section titled 'Remedial Lyss Usage'. It detailed spells and Incantations that could be used to bring plants back to health when conventional methods failed. Eryn had been developing upon her grandmother’s ideas, although she was yet to discover a way to bring them back from being completely dead. She scanned the list and picked the spell which she thought best for this particularly dramatic plant. As she recited the words, green Lyss sprung from her fingers and wrapped itself around the monstera, supporting it so it could heal. Hopefully, this should be last time I have to do this, Eryn thought, closing the book firmly. If it doesn't respond, I may have to come up with something new.

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Hobbies: Eryn
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In Prompts and Events ・ By storm_dragonwhisper
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Submitted By storm_dragonwhisper for Hobby
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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