Trail gone Cold
Valkha and Shavn have enlisted Caligo to travel with them, or possibly the shy Fae decided to be brave and join as well. After all if there's no warmer weather how can she possibly help arrange fog?
The bold explorers have come far into the mountains through the snow, and appear to be forging forward, trailing a few scattered feathers that they hope will tell them more about the missing Eitaravens.
Counting on Caligo's small size and soft colors, the two Woolyne prepare to go further in, and for Caligo to flee back to send both word and warning if they aren't back in a reasonable time. If they fail, surely they can at least give others a chance to better prepare, depending what's ahead.
Submitted By Xaotl
for A Trail Gone Cold
Submitted: 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months ago