Claim (#781) Approved

5 April 2024, 08:59:49 PDT (10 months ago)
5 April 2024, 12:39:26 PDT (10 months ago) by DrakElias
Hello! Figured it would be easier with a claim than approaching a mod in DMs. According to the changelog, I shouldn't be needing Sion's master shifter ribbon in my inventory, right? Sending this in as a claim because I'm not entirely sure.

I've also linked the wool that would need the master shifter ribbon added to his inventory. He doesn't have one at the moment, but I would appreciate it if he could as proof of his training! (And to have it locked there.)

I hope submitting a claim in this way works, idk how LK works.
Thumbnail for Wool-839: Sion

Wool-839: Sion

Reward Amount
Master Shifter Ribbon (Items) 1

These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Master Shifter Ribbon Master Shifter Ribbon Shifter Mastery - Sion Shifter Mastery - Sion 1